Peter Piluk



Firm Name

Accounting, Bookkeeping, Payroll & Tax, General Business Services

Firm Type


Number of Clients


Staff members


Year Founded


FC Start date

Ontario, Canada



Working Style


Pathway is a two-person firm. Peter Piluk handles the firm’s accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services, while Lisa Ryckman does the tax work. Together, they have more than 20-years of experience helping clients (and their children) “tame their personal and business finances.”

Peter sees himself as an incredibly organized person, so for a long time, he got away with managing the firm with pen, paper, and Microsoft Outlook. But there comes a time in every accounting firm when an accounting practice management software goes from being a nice-to-have to a must-have.

For Peter, it was when managing client work with Outlook,  pen, and paper became too overwhelming for him and his wife.

Peter had a checklist for everything and in different places. There were daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly lists that he needed to organize to keep things from falling through the cracks. This investment in manual administrative work was too unproductive and inefficient.


Commonly Used Features

  • Workflow Management
  • Client Tasks
  • Email Integration
  • Time tracking
  • QuickBooks Integration

Trying Out Several Software Solutions

When Peter realized his firm’s need for accounting practice management software, he was very clear about what he wanted. He had a list of eight criteria by which he judged all his options, but beyond that, he wanted software that would have as short a learning curve for his partner (and wife) as possible.

I didn't want to overwhelm her with details"

Peter Piluk, Owner (Pathway)

He wanted to be as objective as possible, so he decided to exhaust the free trials of all the software solutions he found. Some were 14 days, and others were as long as a month. He went as far as paying for a month of service for those without a free trial (like TPS) to get a first-hand experience of every one of them.

It took me a year partly because I would run through the two-week or 30-day free trial because it was only fair to give everyone a fair chance. While I took software suggestions from colleagues and friends, I didn't go too deep into what they liked or didn't like.I didn't want to have any preconceived notions when I went through the tests."

Peter Piluk, Owner (Pathway)

Making the Buying Decision

Towards the end of one year, Financial Cents was top on Peter’s list of the most suitable accounting practice software solutions.

We realized that Financial Cents had solutions for a lot of the pain points we had."

Peter Piluk, Owner (Pathway)

How Financial Cents Helps the Pathway Team

Makes Them Look More Professional

Trying out Financial Cents’ Client Task feature was a game-changer for Peter and the Pathway team. Peter knew about his partner’s struggle with collecting additional data from clients. It required sending a number of emails before getting the files or information she needed to complete client work.

In under four months of using Financial Cents, the Pathway team had gotten commendations from two of their new clients who found the Pathway team more professional (than their previous accountants), thanks to their use of Financial Cents’ client task feature.

Lisa, who handles the firm’s tax work, was the first to realize the helpfulness of the feature.

We've had two brand spanking new clients who have been beyond impressed with how we run our business compared to their previous accounting firm. The client task feature has made us look far more professional."

Peter Piluk, Owner (Pathway)

Peter added that the feature has also saved his team an enormous amount of time because they’re

not sending clients three to five email reminders for the same documents anymore."

Peter Piluk, Owner (Pathway)

Seamless Client Communication with Email Integration

Email is essential to accounting client communication. But for lack of awareness of a better option, the Pathway team relied on Outlook to communicate with clients. This created visibility issues for the team until Peter started using  Financial Cents’ Email Integration feature and never looked back.

The integration enables him to:

1. Get Visibility into client communication

Peter can find the emails a client sent him or his partner in the client’s profile. This keeps him from worrying about being CC’ed or digging through his emails to find what he needs to get client work done.


2. Separate client emails from other work emails

Outlook is designed to tell Peter which email should be important to him, but in Financial Cents, he gets the ability to separate client emails and convert their requests to tasks on the go.


3. Search All Inboxes at Once

Financial Cents’ Email Integration also enables Peter to search across all inboxes and folders at once, instead of going through each inbox and folder one after another.

Nobody does a better job at providing clients with training than Financial Cents. Everybody has training events, but Financial Cents are specific and to the point. If you set out to learn how to use email. You’ll find specific materials for it, instead of every training event being an overview of the software that you've seen three times."

Peter Piluk, Owner (Pathway)

Track work better and hit deadlines

The ability to turn client emails into projects was pivotal to Peter’s choice. Before Financial Cents, Peter would write ad-hoc client requests in his pen and paper planner. With Financial Cents, Peter realized that he could immediately turn them into tasks and start tracking them in Financial Cents. This saves him hours of billable work and has kept him from forgetting things.

After signing up for Financial Cents’ Free Trial, a client sent me a task and normally I would document it with my pen and paper. But I realized I could forward the email to Financial Cents and track it from the dashboard. That was probably when I knew we were going to use Financial Cents."

Peter Piluk, Owner (Pathway)

Embrace Automation and Reduce Manual Work

Setting up recurring tasks in Outlook required him to create a weekly or monthly checklist that he would need to monitor to mark tasks completed and manually move them to the next schedule. That got more overwhelming as the number of clients increased.

On some days, Peter would have had too many tasks than a single day could take. And the fact that he didn’t have visibility into his firm’s workflow, deleting important information was too common and caused things to slip through the cracks.

With Financial Cents, however, setting up recurring work for any timeframe is easy. This helps him save time on manual work, keep tabs on tasks, and stay organized.

We're still learning the software [Financial Cents] but we're pretty excited by what we know already. And we know that it's going to just get better even with existing features that we haven't fully utilized yet."

Peter Piluk, Owner, Pathway

Specific and to-the-Point Customer Training and Support

Financial Cents’ library of short training videos made learning—and implementing—the software so much easier for Peter. When he set out to buy practice management software, he was determined to stick with the resources the brands provided. He refused to watch YouTube videos, so he could measure how easy each software would be for his wife to learn.

After trying out dozens of accounting practice management software, Peter finds Financial Cents’ approach to training incredibly straightforward. Unlike other software options that overwhelm prospects and new users with information.

Nobody does a better job at providing clients with training than Financial Cents. Everybody has training events, but Financial Cents are specific and to the point. If you set out to learn how to use email. You’ll find specific materials for it, instead of every training event being an overview of the software that you've seen three times."

Peter Piluk, Owner (Pathway)