
Ascension CPA

Number of Employees


Year Founded



Oklahoma City

Financial Cents Start Date

January 2022

Working Style


The way due dates are set up in Financial Cents helps us save time and keeps the team more accountable. Unlike in Asana, where it’s difficult to adjust due dates in times of delay."

Sarah Landrum, Office Manager, Ascension CPA

Meet Ascension CPA

Ascension CPA is a full-service accounting firm located in Oklahoma City. The firm was founded by Jamie Ward, CPA, and Cassidi Heltcel, CPA, to help nonprofits, labor unions, and Churches (and Clergy) to manage the funds entrusted to them.

To excel at this, the Ascension CPA team invests its resources into understanding its client’s mission and building relationships that go beyond its client’s core accounting needs. None of this is possible without the right accounting project management software to move tasks through the stages of completion.

Their Goals

The Ascension CPA team needed a tool that would enable them to:

  • Manage workflows by automating due dates and task dependencies.
  • Get visibility into employee workload to manage team capacity better.
  • Organize client information in one place to improve productivity, efficiency, and client satisfaction.

But not even a project management software as popular as Asana could help them achieve this for obvious reasons.

Before Financial Cents


1. Asana Was Not Suitable for Accounting Task Management

Task management software solutions exist to help firms do more work in less time. When a firm has to spend long hours on admin and task management, it loses the number of hours it could have spent on billable work.

Sarah often found herself going into projects to adjust due dates when, for example, unresponsive clients delayed projects beyond their original due dates. Asana is too generic to possibly include features that are equally beneficial to many industries at the same time.

Asana wasn't designed for the bookkeeping or tax industry. For example, it was super complicated to get the due dates to populate, so I was having to go in and do a lot of work to manually change these due dates."

Sarah Landrum, Office Manager, Ascension CPA

2. Asana Was Too Limited for Effective Client Management

Client management is one activity most accountants and bookkeepers don’t factor into their pricing strategy, and rightly so. It’s a backend process that empowers accountants to satisfy clients.

Sorting it out quickly allows firms to move on to the work that generates revenue. So using a generic project management software like Asana held Sarah’s team back in many ways because they couldn’t organize client information in one place.

They were having to go through different apps and portals to store or get the work-related information they needed to meet client deliverables. As you can imagine, they risked losing important client information and missing client deadlines.

Sarah said,

Asana didn’t have a set place where you can store or access clients’ contact information and login details and passwords. We had Excel sheets and local drives that had all the login information. It was like you're going to three different places to do things."

3. No Way to See Employee Workload (to Manage Team Capacity) in Asana

Sarah also struggled with knowing how much work each team member had on their plate. This kept her from knowing when to re-assign work and risked overworking some team members.

Sarah said,

There was no way to see my team’s workload in Asana. We couldn't see which team member has what amount of work on them."

With this many challenges in Asana, it became clear to Sarah’s team that only a project management software solution designed for the accounting and bookkeeping industry would have the features they needed to make more efficient use of their time.

After Financial Cents

The Benefits

In Financial Cents, they have found the ability to:

1. Keep Multi-Stage Projects on Track with Due Dates

Sarah finds the way Financial Cents’ due dates are set up very beneficial. Instead of constantly going into projects to adjust every date when a project exceeds its original due date, Sarah only needs to reset the due date of the preceding task, and all dependent due dates will change accordingly.

Each dependent due date adjusts until the preceding task is marked complete. That helps Sarah to deal with project delays without wasting more time and energy on admin work.

In Financial Cents, it's much easier to adjust due dates if tasks don't get completed on the original due dates. You only have to move one date, and then all others will populate based on when the task is marked off. In Asana, all dependent tasks were automatically assigned due dates that I have to change manually."

2. Automate workflow with Task Dependencies

The task dependency feature has given Sarah and her team more clarity and focus, especially with complex tax work. Financial Cents greys out every task that assignees do not need to work on at the time, allowing them to channel their creative energy to the tasks that require immediate action.

And to keep team members from forgetting their tasks in any project, Financial Cents task dependency feature also notifies assignees when their work in any project is ready for them to complete.

Financial Cents’ task dependency helps us to hide those tasks that you don't want showing up on your plate until they're ready for you to do the work. It declutters people's views and gives them more ability to focus."

Financial Cents has made it easy for Sarah to see how much work her team members have on their plates. This has helped her to assign tasks to those with enough bandwidth, helping the team to maintain balance.

For the team members, this feature has enabled them to see how much work they need to do in a day, week, or month, and they can now shift tasks around based on the urgency of each project.

We're definitely being able to see people's workloads, and team members are easily able to shift their work around because they can see their upcoming work better,"


Sarah remarked that the Ascension CPA team is always looking for new ways to use Financial Cents’ feature updates to keep the firm more efficient, productive, and profitable.

For example,

We would like to start using timers to ensure we price our services correctly."

Sarah Landrum, Office Manager, Ascension CPA

Like Ascension CPA, you can start using due dates to meet client deadlines and help your team members honor client deadlines today.